Saturday, September 15, 2012

Beach Clean Up 2012

Chepiwanoxet Beach Clean Up

Almost every year in September when I participate in a beach clean up, I veer off to the left of Chepiwanoxet Point in Warwick and through the bushes I see a snowy egret or some other predator lurking in the tall grasses. I would hate to be a fish going up against the long neck and spear like beak of this bird. Minutes later the egret lifted off in slow motion, as they always do, and soared off over my head as it looked for a quieter place to eat breakfast. Little did it know, that many beaches this morning were hosting the International Coastal Clean Up, organized by the Ocean Conservancy and the Audobon Society of Rhode Island.

When I first organized a beach clean up at Cole, I thought only a few kids would be interested in cleaning up beach litter on a free Saturday morning. I could have not been more wrong. Almost every year we have around 40 students and chaperones show up to don the gloves, pick up the litter and record it on a data sheet. That's what makes this beach clean up special. The kids can actually see their impact of their action by looking at the amount of trash that was picked up.

As you can see here on the right, the squarish rock like "garbage" happens to be rusted old staples that Stanley Bostich dumped here many
years ago. Old machinery and rusted odd looking objects are a common find during our annual beach clean up.

Look at all of the garbage bags of litter that were collected by our students. Every year at this place it looks the same. But I have to be honest, I think we picked up the huge pieces of waste in all of the year prior to this year. So things are looking up for the creatures and people that use this little hideaway of an island.

From the parking area, you can see Goddard Park. Maybe next year, we will change our spot and clean up that beach. The clean up was cancelled for Goddard this year, so maybe they will need a little more help next year. I am always so uplifted by the community spirit that surrounds this event year after year! Thank you to all of the Cole Middle School students who participate and to all of the chaperones for their time, patience and positive outlooks!

Have a great school year! It's off to a great and cleaner start!

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